mountains gif

Flavour of New Zealand

NZ popular culture 1960 onward

Remember these

Some items of kiwiana that existed, died out, or arrived in the years since 1960. Click an item from the box below.

Woollen Bush Shirts

The bush shirt was the standard attire of trampers in the years before fibrepile, polarfleece or polypropylene were invented. It was normally worn over a woollen singlet. The coarse wool could be a bit scratchy, but in wet weather it kept one warm even if your parka (japara of course) leaked a bit. When the evening was spent around the campfire, sparks didn't make much impression on the wool.


New Zealand woollen bush shirt

click on thumbnail to see full size image



Text by Jan Simmons. Photos courtesy of St. Vincent de Paul Porirua and Siberian Wolf, jaybee6, timothy32; Trademe traders.