Flavour of New Zealand
NZ popular culture 1960 onward
NZ popular culture 1960 onward
Some items of kiwiana that existed, died out, or arrived in the years since 1960. Click an item from the box below.
Drinkers could take their own washed flagons or swap their empties for those pre-filled and corked ready for sale. The flagon was followed by the half-gallon jar and was preceded by the square rigger and the bluey. Most commonly used during the period of six-o'clock closing of bars. A flagon can hold different volumes of beer or wine and is thought to have originated from an amendment to the Licensing laws, which took effect in 1881. The amendment allowed winemakers to sell wine from their vineyards for off-license consumption, so long as the quantity was two gallons or more - hence the 2 g flagon. Before this change winemakers could only sell wine from hotels. A 1/2 gallon flagon was a common volume used for beer
Article on wikipedia by multiple authors. Images courtesy of chazernz, a trader on Trademe.