Flavour of New Zealand
NZ popular culture 1960 onward
NZ popular culture 1960 onward
Some items of kiwiana that existed, died out, or arrived in the years since 1960. Click an item from the box below.
The Swanndri, or "swanny" as it has been dubbed, was designed by William Broome (1873-1942). Since he registered Swanndri as a trademark on December 23, 1913, it has become an iconic New Zealand garment. According to the Swanndri's corporate history, Broome's design began after he was frustrated by the persistently rainy New Zealand weather. The name Swanndri was named by Broome because the rain would literally run off the back of the garment as it does on a swan. Although new colors and features have been incorporated into the Swanndri, Broom's original design influence can still be seen in New Zealand and among other producers around the world.
Green "swanny"
Article courtesy of wikipedia. Classic green swanndri pic courtesy of Kiwi Adventures. Flat swanndri photo by ccjc (Trademe trader).